Carleon is a company producing navigation maps on CD\DVD\memory card . The company has been in the navigation software industry for over 5 years, in this time we have produced many products of which we are the legal intellectual rights Walking Maps,Automotive Maps,Marine Maps,Outdoor Maps,Cycling Maps,
We make products that are engineered on the inside for life on the outside. We do this, so our customers can make the most of the time they spend pursuing their passions. we bring GPS navigation software and wearable technology software to the automotive, aviation, marine, outdoor and fitness markets.
Latest Walking Cycling Geocaching UK map complete with contours.These maps are based on Open Street Map Data and are Routable and Zoomable to very high detail. These maps are dynamic (The more you zoom in,The more detail appears.) not in the traditional paper based scales of 1:50,000 or 1:25,000 although the detail on them is as good or better than the OS 1;25,000 Ideal for Walking, Hiking, Geocaching, Cycling etc.
New map updates Make sure you have the latest detailed street maps and points of interest to ensure fast, accurate navigation from Carleon.
A topographic map is a type of map characterized by large-scale detail and quantitative representation of relief, usually using contour lines, but historically using a variety of methods. Traditional definitions require a topographic map to show both natural and man-made features. A topographic map is typically published as a map series, made up of two or more map sheets that combine to form the whole map. A contour line is a line connecting places of equal elevation.
Australia & New Zealand (automotive maps)New Zealand & Australia 2017 Nuvi /Sat Nav Map - for Garmin/ Nuvi ..
Now working with Garmin's Base camp on your own pc,,
Plan your Trip Before You Go See The Full Map On Your PC/Laptop
Now working with Garmin's Base camp on your own pc,,,
Do not get caught out plan you trip on your own pc before you go and save it to the map card,Save hundreds of places from all over Australia & New Zealand,See and save the location of your hotel,restaraunt,theme park, any place you want,When you arrive just go to your favorites on your gps unit and pick out the locations you saved,Test the map while your still in the UK,